If you think you don’t need life insurance, think again. How will your loved ones pay for your final expenses when you pass away? If you die unexpectedly, will your spouse or children be able to afford to stay in the home you have provided for them? Will they be able to keep up with bill payments? Will your kids have money to attend college? What will happen to you if you outlive your life savings? All these problems can be solved with the right life insurance policy.
Unfortunately, life insurance is the most undersold insurance product available in the United States today. Fortunately, Advanced American Financial specializes in helping individuals from all walks of life find the right life insurance plan. We also work with existing customers to review their policies and make necessary updates. Let’s take a look at some of the details:
As is the case with many types of insurance, there are several life insurance options available to individuals. Depending on your life circumstances, you might choose an inexpensive term life policy, or you may wish to invest in a permanent policy that can serve as an investment later on. Here are some terms you should know:
Term Life Insurance: This type of life insurance policy provides death benefits for a set length of time, anywhere from a single year up to 30 years.
Permanent Life Insurance: This type of life insurance never expires as long as the premiums are up to date. Different types of permanent life coverage offer varying levels of flexibility, and they all build cash value that you can borrow against.
Because life changes, we recommend that our customers review their life insurance policies at least once every 18 months. This is especially important if you have experienced significant life changes. You should definitely review your existing policy when
Life insurance might seem confusing, but the benefits of the right policy are too important to ignore. Contact us today to get more information. We look forward to helping you provide for your family’s future.
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208 S Colony St
Wallingford, CT 06492
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.
Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information an all your options.