Everyone needs to eat, and a few gifted business owners provide the rest of us a great service by owning and operating restaurants. Like any company, your restaurant or other food service needs to be properly insured. Certain types and amounts of insurance are required by state and local law, but your restaurant might also benefit from other insurance policies as well.
Advanced American Financial, LLC provides customized insurance policies for a variety of food-related businesses. We offer coverage for
We work with a variety of insurance carriers to provide the insurance coverage that restaurant owners need. Our policies include basic business policies and specialized insurance options. Common policies that we provide for restaurants include
The size, scope and type of restaurant business you operate will determine what policies are right for you. Our experienced insurance professionals can help assess your risks and identify necessary coverage areas. If you are already insured, we will take the time to review your current coverage. We’ll discuss with you the value of the coverage you currently have and pinpoint any gaps in that coverage. We’ll also help you identify means of reducing risks to protect your assets.
If your passion is food service, you don’t want to be bogged down with insurance concerns. You can count on Advanced American Insurance, LLC to take care of these concerns for you. When we assist you with finding the right coverage for your restaurant, you can get back to preparing food and serving your customers.
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© 2025 Advanced American Financial LLC
208 S Colony St
Wallingford, CT 06492
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.
Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information an all your options.